Community Charity Events
Ocean conservation is one of the most important parts of KPassionate. Here, you can find all of our events supporting amazing marine conservation charities. To learn more about these organisations, click their logos to visit their websites.
February 2022
Fundraising total: $10,809
This event was a big success! My amazing Twitch supporters helped raise over 10,000 US dollars to help the INCREDIBLE team at Ocean Conservation Namibia, who rescue countless fur seals every year. We had a great time talking to Naude, Katja, and Antoine from OCN, where we learned more about their amazing endeavors. Unfortunately, the charity event for OCN is now closed. But it's not too late to help! You can support Ocean Conservation Namibia by simply clicking on the links below:
https://www.youtube.com/c/OceanConservationNamibia https://www.patreon.com/OCN
Ocean Conservation Namibia was formed by Naude Dreyer after finding and freeing a fur seal entangled in fishing net. The charity focuses on identifying entangled seals in colonies along the coast of Namibia and removing the attached debris, enabling the seals to live longer.
October 2021
Fundraising Total: $22,024
This was our biggest fundraiser yet!
It was a mammoth 24-hour livestream to celebrate my one year streaming anniversary, filled with Q&As with board members of Elakha Alliance, playing games like Oregon Trail, watching animal videos, and more.
Elakha Alliance is an American non-profit organisation formed by tribal leaders whose main mission is to re-establish the sea otter population on the Oregon coast. Their vision is to do this in consultation with the people and organizations of Oregon, as well as taking into account broader sea otter populations along the Pacific West Coast.
June 2021
Fundraising Total: $10,050
This was a fantastic event to celebrate World Ocean Day, with Monterey Bay even chatting with us and following us!
Monterey Bay Aquarium is situated on the California coast in the USA and looks after hundreds of animals. It runs a highly successful and unique Sea Otter rescue and release program, pairing orphaned pups and experienced surrogate female otters until the pup is ready to go back into the ocean.
February 2021
Fundraising Total: $3,149
This was our first ever charity event, and it was amazing! We even got to name two seals.
The Cornish Seal Sanctuary is a charity based in Cornwall, in the UK. They rescue, rehabilitate, and release seals and other marine mammals that are injured, unwell, or distressed. The rescue and rehabilitation of just one seal costs over $2,000.